TYKYRA (250g)


Origin: Minas Gerais, Brazil

Varieties: Red Catuai

Process: Natural

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Origin: Minas Gerais, Brazil

Varieties: Red Catuai

Process: Natural

Origin: Minas Gerais, Brazil

Varieties: Red Catuai

Process: Natural

Terroir: Serra da Mantiqueira, 1100 metres above sea level

Farm: Santo Antonio II, Alexandre Menezes Capistrano de Alckmin

Drying process: sundried

This natural coffee is cultivated in the picturesque mountains of south Minas Gerais, known as Serra da Mantiqueira, with a century-long tradition of producing high-quality coffees featuring a highly differentiated sensory profile. The high elevation and cool temperatures provide an ideal environment to obtain outstanding coffees. The Red Catuai originated from artificial crossbreeding between two varieties of Coffea arabica, and has gone through a natural process, which is very popular in the region, and in our hands, it denotes a marked citrusy and floral profile. Ideal to enjoy as a filtered coffee. The Serra da Mantiqueira is renowned for its majestic mountains and its large number of springs and streams due to regular rainfall, giving origin to its name that means 'crying mountain,' through the combination of the terms amana (rain) and tykyra (drop) from the tupi language of the indigenous people in Brazil.

To uncover the optimal flavour profile of Red Catuai and savour its notes, we recommend exploring the following brewing methods


DALTON (250g)
UAI (250g)