
Origin: Colombia

Varieties: Pacamara

Process: Natural

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Origin: Colombia

Varieties: Pacamara

Process: Natural

Origin: Colombia

Varieties: Pacamara

Process: Natural

Terroir: Palestina, 1700 masl

Farm: Bellavista, Jhon Smith

Drying process: Raised beds

Ambassador – a cause for pride and hope

“El coronel destapó el tarro de café y comprobó que no había más de una cucharadita. Retiró la olla del fogón, vertió la mitad del agua en el piso de tierra, y con un cuchillo raspó el interior del tarro sobre la olla hasta cuando se desprendieron las últimas raspaduras del polvo de café revueltas con oxido de lata. “

El coronel no tiene quien le escriba, Gabriel García Márquez.

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“The colonel took the top off the coffee can and saw that there was only one small spoonful left. He removed the pot from the fire, poured half the water onto the earthen floor, and scraped the inside of the can with a knife until the last scrapings of the ground coffee, mixed with bits of rust, fell into the pot.”

No one writes to the colonel by Gabriel García Márquez.

Our Ambassador coffee is produced in the Huila state of Colombia. Its large bean size translates into a rounded and exceptional flavour in the cup which, along with its versatility for brewing, proudly represents Colombian coffee. Coffee growing in Huila is an economic activity embedded in a vibrant cultural heritage shared by multiple families of land workers, farmers and traders. Over the last two decades, the Huila region has taken the lead in both yield and quality when it comes to top-notch Colombian coffee. In a small village named Palestine - there are two in Colombia (Huila & Caldas states) - lies the Bellavista farm. Managed by Mr John Smith, the Pacamara from Bellavista grows at a high elevation (1700 masl) and undergoes a two-step post-harvest processing.

Originally from El Salvador, Pacamara was the result of breeding between Pacas and Maragogipe varieties. Its dwarfed trees produce large beans with an exceptional flavour. Once harvested, the Pacamara berries undergo an initial fermentation step lasting 24 hours, followed by an additional 36-hour fermentation under anaerobic conditions to complete a natural process. The coffee is then dried on raised beds for around 72 hours. In our hands, we've developed a roasting profile that brings out its sweetness, fruity and lasting acidity, covered by spiced notes.

This Pacamara is an ambassador from our country. At a time when migration is at the centre of public debate, we take this opportunity amidst an election campaign to express our pride and commitment to contributing to economic growth, wealth creation and implementing sustainable practices for small businesses in the UK.

We're confident about the exceptional quality of these beans, which will provide pleasure to consumers. As García Márquez once said, we need to make all effort to ensure coffee cultivators can create a second opportunity on earth. Don't let your coffee canister empty as happened to the colonel.

To uncover the optimal flavour profile of Pacamara and savour its notes, we recommend exploring the following brewing methods

TYKYRA (250g)
UAI (250g)
DALTON (250g)